Jim Burton made himself absolute master of a large District in the southwest. All who lived in that territory were forced to pay him tribute or suffer the consequences. His men, outlaws and hired gunmen, openly punished those who refused to pay. Homes where striped, buildings burned, cattle stolen or poisoned, men who stubbornly defied Burton were murdered. The gang became so powerful the law was helpless.
Original Air Date: March 21, 1938
Host: Andrew Rhynes
Show: The Lone Ranger
Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739)
• Earle Graser (Lone Ranger)
• John Todd (Tonto)
• Fran Striker
• George W. Trendle
• Ben Bonnell
Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK
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