Straight Arrow

Hosted ByAndrew Rhynes

Mild-mannered rancher, Steve Adams, had been a Comanche Indian who was taken in by ranchers very early in life. He learned as a teenager that there was a Comanche legend telling of a great warrior who would come to right wrongs and do good, riding like the wind and relentless in his aim. Steve became that warrior, known as Straight Arrow!

Badman Unmasked | Straight Arrow (03-21-49)

Original Air Date: March 21, 1949
Host: Andrew Rhynes
Show: Straight Arrow
Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739)

• Howard Culver (Steve Adams)
• Fred Howard (Packy McCloud)
• Gwen Delano (Mesquite Molly)

• Milton Charles

Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny

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