Tales of the Texas Rangers, a western adventure old-time radio drama, premiered on July 8, 1950, on the US NBC radio network and remained on the air through September 14, 1952. Movie star Joel McCrea starred as Texas Ranger Jayce Pearson, who used the latest scientific techniques to identify the criminals and his faithful horse, Charcoal, to track them down. The shows were reenactments of actual Texas Ranger cases.
The series was produced by Screen Gems and directed by Stacy Keach, Sr., and was sponsored for part of its run by Wheaties.
Captain Manuel T. "Lone Wolf" Gonzaullas, a Ranger for 30 years and who was said to have killed 31 men during his career, served as consultant for the series.
This show was one of the more successful radio shows of the early 1950's, airing for 3 years. Directed by Stacey Keach, Sr., TALES OF THE TEXAS RANGERS broadcast coast-to-coast every Sunday on NBC.
All Episodes
Original Air Date: December 31, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Tom McKee•...
It is 2:00pm December 21st, four days before Christmas 1931. On a city Street corner in North Texas a man dressed as Santa Claus Suddenly leaves his post beside...
Original Air Date: December 17, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Wilms Herbert•...
Original Air Date: December 10, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Nestor Paiva•...
Original Air Date: December 03, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Don Diamond•...
Original Air Date: November 26, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Byron Kane•...
Original Air Date: November 12, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Bill Johnstone•...
Original Air Date: November 05, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Herb Butterfield•...
Original Air Date: October 29, 1950Host: Andrew RhynesShow: Tales of the Texas RangersPhone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star:• Joel McCrea (Ranger Jayce Pearson) Special Guests:• Tony Barrett• Paul Frees•...