Challenge of the Yukon

OTRWestern0080: Challenge of the Yukon

Title: Lantern Rock Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: October 16, 1943 Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW again (707) 986-8739

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OTRWestern0073: Challenge of the Yukon

When a man plans on killing someone Sgt. Preston does what he can to prevent it. Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: October 09, 1943 Title: Attempted Manslaughter Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW again (707) 986-8739 Stars: Paul Sutton

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OTRWestern0066: Challenge of the Yukon

When inspecting the trail Sgt Preston finds stolen pelts in a cave by Stovepipe. Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: October 02, 1943 Title: A Previewed Confession Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW again (707) 986-8739

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OTRWestern0060: Challenge of the Yukon

When someone was found shot next to the train some evidence leads Sergeant Preston to clues about who could have done it. Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: September 25, 1943 Title: Murder on Train Time Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW again (707) 986-8739

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OTRWestern0054: Challenge of the Yukon

When a man is awaiting the hangman’s noose he tells his friends if they don’t get him out he will tell Sergeant Preston about their involvement so he doesn’t hang alone. Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: September 18, 1943 Title: King’s Ransom Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW or (707) 986-8739

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OTRWestern0048: Challenge of the Yukon

Bank Robbery at one of the largest gold receiving banks sparks Sergeant Preston in the pursuit of the law breakers. Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: September 11, 1943 Title: A Swill O’ Gunpowder Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW or (707) 986-8739

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OTRWestern0042: Challenge of the Yukon

Crooks are over running the Yukon and causing trappers to be afraid to bring their firs to trade after being robbed by masked men. Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: August 28, 1943 Title: The Last Days of a Freight Line

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OTRWestern0036: Challenge of the Yukon

After arriving at a friends house he notice things are not right, Preston investigates to find his friend dead. Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Date: August 21, 1943 Title: Caught by a Button

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OTRWestern0030: Challenge of the Yukon

After a man was murdered, the town accuses a man because of the footprints in the snow. Host:       Andrew Rhynes Show:       Challenge of the Yukon Date:       August 14, 1943 Title:      A Footprint in Leather Vintage Candy

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OTRWestern0023: Challenge of the Yukon

When Sgt. Preston meets up with an old friend, he finds out his friend has been swindled out of money when they bought a mine that is worthless. Host:       Andrew Rhynes Show:       Challenge of the Yukon Date:       July 31, 1943 Title:      A Swindler Swindled

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OTRWestern0018: Challenge of the Yukon

Title: Till a Man’s Proved Dead An ambush to kill a man who is a fur trapper takes a turn when the trappers lead dog bites one of the murders hand. Original Aired Date:     July 24, 1943

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OTRW0012: Challenge of the Yukon – Meeting the Terms of a Contract (07-17-43)

King finds a hidden cave and leads Sgt Preston into it where they find pelts and over hear a conspiracy to burn down a warehouse. Original Aired Date:     July 17, 1943

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OTRW0007: Challenge of the Yukon – Loon Lake (09-25-42)

Fur Trappers supply’s go missing and one of the trappers looks for the thieves and finds more then he was looking for. Original Air Date: September 25, 1942

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OTRW0004: Challenge of the Yukon – The Dawson Fire (05-08-42)

A mother takes the law into her own hands and gets a confession out of a criminal. A building somehow becomes engulfed in flames and spreads to other building in the town. Original Air Date: May 08, 1942

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